The Crisis Relief Team

Bringing Hope in Crisis

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Our Vision For Crisis Relief

We envision a world where everyone affected by disasters receives excellent physical and spiritual care in the name of Jesus.

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Our Mission For Crisis Relief

We mobilize believers who are medical professionals and trained first responders to bring prompt, physical, and spiritual care in times of crisis. With long-term recovery in mind, we partner with local leadership in order to transition our work to the local church and our Acts of Mercy Development team. 

Our Current Work

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Waco, TX

As the people of God, we are called to generosity and faith, knowing that Jesus will provide for every need. Because of the great faith of members in our community, we have accepted the challenge of contributing time, skills and resources to reach the city of Waco during the Coronavirus crisis. Seamstresses are sewing more than 1,200 masks for local hospital staff and the medically fragile. School supplies are being provided for children across the city, our community is handing out boxed lunches and grocery store gift cards, among many other things! We’ve also established the Waco Relief Fund where 100% of proceeds go directly to helping those who have been impacted by Coronavirus in the Waco community.

Want to learn more?

We’d love to tell you more about what we do and how you can be involved. Just click the button below, fill out the form and you’ll be on your way to connecting with us!